As someone who has traveled to 22+ countries, half of them solo, I try to keep track of the lessons I’ve learned along the way. I can’t express enough how beneficial solo travel is, and recommend everyone embarks on at least one solo adventure in their lifetime. You will have many reservations at first, and may talk yourself out of it a few times. However, my first piece of advice is to just book the flight. Sign up for the trip. Say yes. The power in that first yes can lead to a series of events that very well could change your life.

Enjoy the alone time. Throughout this journey, you are going to get to know yourself a lot better, so be prepared. It may feel lonely at first, and it will definitely feel uncomfortable at times. Going out to eat at a restaurant alone for the first time can be terrifying, and you often find yourself comparing yourself to all the happy couples, friends, and families around you. Once you push past this initial fear, you’ll find the sweet spot. The beauty in genuinely enjoying your own company is unmatched, and solo travel can be a great short cut. It’s absolutely freeing being able to rely on yourself for every decision. If you feel like having an entire loaf of bread with cheese as your dinner instead of going to a nice restaurant, you can! If you want to spend the sunny day indoors at museums, that’s okay, but so is relaxing at the beach all afternoon. You can wear anything you want without checking someone else’s opinion. There is no one to tell you no, no one to question you, so you can really design your travel however you like. Enjoy this treasured time getting to know and love the only person you’ll spend every day with for the rest of your life, yourself.

Trust yourself. On the same note as self love brings us self trust. When traveling alone, it’s crucial to trust your gut instincts. Traveling inherently pushes us out of our comfort zones, so that can come with some uncomfortable situations. The second you feel that something or someone is off, remove yourself from that situation. There are times where you may feel silly to book a hotel at the last minute because your hostel seemed weird, but you never know if that one choice could have saved you from a bad situation. When I travel alone I try to budget as much as possible, but I don’t cut corners when it comes to safety. I would gladly rather spend $15 on an uber if I am alone at night, rather than wish I did. This said, most strangers in the world are kind, loving people that you just haven’t met yet. Keep your guard up, but make sure to enjoy every moment.

Be in the present moment. One of my favorite things about travel is how much it brings you to the present moment. That’s all life really is. We are only ever experiencing life in the present, but too often we are caught up in the past or the future. We are nostalgic for past memories or planning out our future plans, but the only thing that should matter is now. It can even be difficult on a trip if you’re feeling fomo (fear of missing out) of your friends back home. Those are valid feelings; however, home will always be there and you’re experiencing something special. When traveling, there are so many beautiful experiences that get us caught up in the present moment. It’s easy to feel that immense childlike joy when you are playing like a child. Whether it’s ziplining through a rainforest, scuba diving with sharks, watching the sunset in the ocean, or singing around a campfire, you are truly present. This feeling is often what people chase after returning home, or what some call “the travel bug.” You can practice presence at any time, whether you’re traveling or not, and immensely improve your life.

Say hi. Or hola, or bonjour, or ciao, etc. It can seem scary to meet people at first when you’re alone, but it all begins by a simple greeting. When you were a little kid, it was easy to run up to other kids and say “Hi I’m ___, what’s your name??” Channel that inner child, ignore your parents advice, and start talking to strangers. A great place to start is by staying in hostels while traveling. Not only are they usually the most affordable option, they are also filled with friends you haven’t met yet! I once stayed in a hostel in Venice where I said hi to the girl in the elevator, and 5 minutes later she invited me to her birthday dinner that night. We went on to have one of the most memorable nights I’ve had traveling, all thanks to a simple hello. The best part of this is you get to decide who you want to be. Maybe in your hometown you’re known as “the shy one” or “the mom friend” or “the girl who’s mom is the principal”. These labels can be hard to escape, but when you’re traveling they disappear. Nobody knows anything about you other than what you tell them. You can reinvent yourself, practice your self confidence, and hopefully be a better version of yourself. It’s such a freeing feeling having deep conversations with strangers you may never see again. You suddenly become a whole new person, and may feel that you know these strangers’ souls better than you know your best friend’s. That is the beauty of travel. It blurs the lines on time, on labels, on expectations. Your connection with a hostel friend you spent a few days traveling with may be so strong that it leads you to booking a trip years later to crash on their couch in Paris. I may or may not be guilty of that. Channel your inner child. Push yourself out of your comfort zone and make some wonderful new friends.

Some of the greatest personal growth I’ve had in my life has been during my solo trips. I’ve learned to love my own company, and to trust myself wholeheartedly. I constantly practice being in the present moment, along with being grateful for every experience. I’ve met wonderful people, made lifelong friends, and learned to play like a child again. I’ve become a more positive person from the inside out, and find myself complaining far less, being happy living with far less, and am more clear about what I value in life. The benefits and lessons from solo travel are infinite. The hardest part of it all is starting.

Start your travel journey today by starting to choose yourself.


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